alicedbg / src / adbg / v1 / server / server.d
 * Object server.
 * The goal of the object/image loader is being able to obtain information
 * from obj/pdb/image files such as:
 * - Object Type;
 * - Machine architecture;
 * - Symbols;
 * - Debugging information (types, etc.);
 * - And a few extras for dumping purposes.
 * Files are first loaded entirely in memory. Then internal pointers are set
 * depending on the format.
 * Authors: dd86k <>
 * Copyright: © dd86k <>
 * License: BSD-3-Clause
module adbg.v1.server.server;

import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.stdc.config : c_long;
import adbg.error;
import adbg.v1.disassembler : AdbgPlatform;
import,, adbg.v1.server.elf, adbg.v1.server.macho;
import adbg.utils.bit : CHAR16, CHAR32;

//TODO: Revisit the implementation of the object server
//TODO: const(ubyte) *adbg_obj_section(obj, ".abc");
//TODO: uint u32 = pointer.fetch!ubyte(offset);

extern (C):

/// Executable or object format
enum AdbgObjFormat {
	/// Mysterious file format
	/// Mark Zbikowski format
	/// New Executable format
	/// Linked Executable/LX format
	/// Portable Executable format
	/// Executable and Linkable Format
	/// Mach Object format
	/// Microsoft Program Database format
	/// Microsoft Debug format

/// (Internal) Function pointers the implementation needs to fill.
struct adbg_object_impl_t {
//	extern (C) const(char)* function(adbg_object_t*) machine;
	/// Get data pointer from section name
	extern (C) ubyte* function(adbg_object_t*, char* name) section;
//	extern (C) object_symbol_t* function(object_t*, size_t addr) symbol;
//	extern (C) object_line_t* function(object_t*, size_t addr) line;

/// (Internal) MZ meta structure
private struct info_mz_t {
	mz_hdr *hdr;
	mz_reloc *relocs;
/// (Internal) PE meta structure
private struct info_pe_t {
	// Header
	PE_HEADER *hdr;
	union {
		PE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 *opthdr64;
	// Directories
	union {
	// Data
	union {
		PE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR32 *loaddir32;
		PE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR64 *loaddir64;
	PE_SECTION_ENTRY *sections;
	// Internal
	uint offset; /// PE header file offset
/// (Internal) ELF meta structure
private struct info_elf_t {
	union {
		Elf32_Ehdr *hdr32;
		Elf64_Ehdr *hdr64;
	union {
		Elf32_Phdr *phdr32;
		Elf64_Phdr *phdr64;
	union {
		Elf32_Shdr *shdr32;
		Elf64_Shdr *shdr64;
private struct info_macho_t {
	union {
		macho_header *hdr;
		struct {
			macho_fatmach_header *fathdr;
			macho_fat_arch *fatarch;
	bool fat, reversed;

private enum IMPL_SIZE = adbg_object_impl_t.sizeof;
private enum META_SIZE = info_pe_t.sizeof; // Since it's the largest

/// Represents an object file or module.
struct adbg_object_t {
	// Object data
	/// Object translated platform target
	AdbgPlatform platform;
	/// Object format
	AdbgObjFormat format;
	// File
	union {
		void   *buf;	/// (Internal)
		char   *bufc8;	/// (Internal)
		ubyte  *bufi8;	/// (Internal)
		ushort *bufi16;	/// (Internal)
		uint   *bufi32;	/// (Internal)
		ulong  *bufi64;	/// (Internal)
	/// File handle, used internally.
	FILE *file;
	/// File size.
	c_long fsize;
	// Implementation-defined metadata
	adbg_object_impl_t impl; /// Internal
	union {
		info_mz_t mz;	/// MZ meta
		info_pe_t pe;	/// PE32 meta
		info_elf_t elf;	/// ELF meta
		info_macho_t macho;	/// Mach-O

/// Load an object file using its path.
/// Params:
/// 	obj = Object structure
/// 	path = File path
/// Returns: Status code
int adbg_obj_open_path(adbg_object_t *obj, const(char) *path) {
	obj.file = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (obj.file == null)
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	return adbg_obj_open_file(obj, obj.file);

/// Load an objet file using a FILE structure.
/// Params:
/// 	obj = Object structure
/// 	file = FILE structure
/// Returns: Status code
int adbg_obj_open_file(adbg_object_t *obj, FILE *file) {
	import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
	import core.stdc.string : memset;
	if (obj == null || file == null)
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.invalidArgument);
	obj.file = file;
	// Get file size
	if (fseek(obj.file, 0, SEEK_END))
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	obj.fsize = ftell(obj.file);
	if (obj.fsize < 0) // -1
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	if (fseek(obj.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	// Allocate
	obj.buf = malloc(obj.fsize);
	if (obj.buf == null)
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	// Read
	if (fread(obj.buf, obj.fsize, 1, obj.file) == 0)
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.os);
	// zero internal stuff
	memset(&obj.impl, 0, IMPL_SIZE + META_SIZE);
	// Auto-detection
	file_sig_t sig = void; // for conveniance
	switch (obj.bufi32[0]) {
	case CHAR32!"\x7FELF":
		return adbg_obj_elf_load(obj);
	case MACHO_MAGIC:	// 32-bit LE
	case MACHO_MAGIC_64:	// 64-bit LE
	case MACHO_CIGAM:	// 32-bit BE
	case MACHO_CIGAM_64:	// 64-bit BE
	case MACHO_FAT_MAGIC:	// Fat LE
	case MACHO_FAT_CIGAM:	// Fat BE
		return adbg_obj_macho_load(obj, obj.bufi32[0]);
	switch (obj.bufi16[0]) {
	case CHAR16!"MZ":
		if (obj.fsize < mz_hdr.sizeof)
			return adbg_oops(AdbgError.unknownObjFormat); = obj.bufi32[15]; // 0x3c / 4
		if (
			if ( >= obj.fsize - PE_HEADER.sizeof)
				return adbg_obj_mz_load(obj);
		sig.u32 = *cast(uint*)(obj.buf +;
		switch (sig.u16[0]) {
		case CHAR16!"PE":
			if (sig.u16[1]) // "PE\0\0"
				return adbg_oops(AdbgError.unknownObjFormat);
			return adbg_obj_pe_load(obj);
		case CHAR16!"LE", CHAR16!"LX", CHAR16!"NE":
			return adbg_oops(AdbgError.unsupportedObjFormat);
		default: // Assume MZ
			return adbg_obj_mz_load(obj);
		return adbg_oops(AdbgError.unknownObjFormat);

//TODO: Select module/PID/debuggee

//TODO: adbg_obj_unload
/*int adbg_obj_unload(obj_info_t *info) {
	return 0;


struct file_sig_t { align(1):
	union {
		uint u32;
		char[4] c8;
		ushort[2] u16;