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Searching for an UTF-8 string? Press the return key, or escape, type in ss IEND and ddhx will search for "IEND"!


  • Some commands take command parameters, e.g. search u8 0xdd.
  • Some commands have aliases, e.g. sb 0xdd is the same as search u8 0xdd and search byte 0xdd.
  • Some commands have a shortcut, e.g. pressing r while outside of command mode executes refresh.

Here is a brief list of commands:

Command Sub-command Alias Description
search u8 sb Search one byte
u16 sw Search a 2-byte value
u32 sd Search a 4-byte value
u64 sl Search a 8-byte value
utf8 ss Search an UTF-8 string
utf16 sws Search an UTF-16LE string
utf32 sds Search an UTF-32LE string
goto g Goto to a specific file location or jump to a relative offset (shortcut: g)
info i Print file information on screen (shortcut: i)
offset o Change display mode (hex, dec, oct), same as set offset
clear Clear screen and redraw every panels
set width Set bytes per row
offset o See offset command
refresh Remake buffer, clear screen, re-read file, redraw screen (shortcut: r)
quit Quit ddhx (key shortcut: q)
about Print About text
version Print Version text