alicedbg / app / ui / cmd.d
 * Command interpreter.
 * License: BSD-3-Clause
module ui.cmd;

import adbg.etc.c.stdio;
import adbg.error;
import adbg.dbg.debugger, adbg.dbg.exception, adbg.dbg.context;
import adbg.sys.err;
import adbg.utils.str;
import core.stdc.string, core.stdc.stdlib;
import common, term;

extern (C):

/// Enter the command-line loop
/// Returns: Error code
int cmd() {
	return cmd_loop;

//TODO: cmd_file -- read (commands) from file

/// Execute a line of command
/// Returns: Error code
int cmd_exec(char *command) {
	return cmd_execl(command, strlen(command));
/// Execute a line of command
/// Returns: Error code
int cmd_execl(char *command, size_t len) {
	int argc = void;
	char** argv = adbg_util_expand(command, &argc);
	return cmd_execv(argc, cast(const(char)**)argv);


// Private globals

immutable const(char) *cmd_fmt   = " %-10s                      %s\n";
immutable const(char) *cmd_fmta  = " %-10s %-20s %s\n";
bool continue_; /// if user wants to continue
bool paused;	/// if debuggee is paused
int lasterror;	/// last command error

// loop

int cmd_loop() {
	char* line = void;
	int argc = void;
	continue_ = true;
	while (continue_) {
		cmd_prompt(lasterror); // print prompt
		line = term_readline(&argc); // read line
		//TODO: remove once term gets key events
		if (line == null) {
			return 0;
		lasterror = cmd_execl(line, argc); // execute line
	return lasterror;

// prompt

void cmd_prompt(int err) { // [code*adbg]
	enum fmt = "[%d adbg%c] ";
	printf(fmt, err, paused ? '*' : ' ');

void cmd_help_chapter(const(char) *name) {
void cmd_help_paragraph(const(char) *p) {
	int o = printf("\t%.72s\n", p);
	if (o < 72)
	p += 72;
	goto L_PRINT;

// Command handling

struct command_t {
	const(char) *str;	/// command string
	const(char) *synop;	/// command synopsis
	const(char) *desc;	/// help description
	int function(int, const(char)**) func;	/// command implementation
	void function() help;	/// help implementation
immutable command_t[] commands = [
		"load", "<file> [<arg>...]",
		"Load executable file into the debugger",
		&cmd_c_load, &cmd_h_load
//	{ "core",   null, "Load core debugging object into debugger", &cmd_c_load },
//	{ "attach", null, "Attach the debugger to pid", &cmd_c_pid },
//	{ "b",      "<action>", "Breakpoint management", & },
//	{ "d",      "<addr>", "Disassemble address", & },
		"run", null,
		"Run debugger after loading an executable",
		"r", null,
		"Register management",
		"help", "<command>",
		"Show this help screen",
		"quit", null,
		"q", null,
		"Alias to quit",

int cmd_execv(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	if (argc <= 0 || argv == null)
		return 0;
	foreach (comm; commands)
		if (strcmp(argv[0], comm.str) == 0)
			return comm.func(argc, argv);
	printf("unknown command: '%s'\n", argv[0]);
	return AppError.invalidCommand;

// Action handling

struct action_t {
	immutable(char) *str;	/// long strion
	immutable(char) *desc;	/// help description
	AdbgAction val;	/// action value
immutable action_t[] actions = [
	{ "continue", "Resume debuggee", AdbgAction.proceed },
	{ "c",        "Alias to continue", AdbgAction.proceed },
	{ "close",    "Close debuggee process", AdbgAction.exit },
	{ "si",       "Instruction step", AdbgAction.step },

int cmd_action(const(char) *a) {
	foreach (action; actions)
		if (strcmp(a, action.str) == 0)
			return action.val;
	return -1;

// load command

int cmd_c_load(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	if (argc < 2) {
		puts("missing file argument");
		return AppError.invalidParameter;
	if (adbg_load(argv[1], argc > 2 ? argv + 2: null)) {
		return AppError.loadFailed;
	printf("Program '%s' loaded\n", argv[1]);
	return 0;
void cmd_h_load() {
	`Load an executable file into the debugger. Any arguments after the `~
	`file are arguments passed into the debugger.`

// r command

int cmd_c_r(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	if (paused == false) {
		puts("No program loaded or not paused");
		return AppError.pauseRequired;
	thread_context_t ctx = void;
	if (ctx.count == 0) {
		puts("No registers available");
		return AppError.unavailable;
	int m = ctx.count;
	register_t *r = ctx.items.ptr;
	const(char) *reg = argv[1];
	// searching for reg
	//TODO: reg=value when setting context is available
	if (reg) {
		for (size_t i; i < m; ++i, ++r) {
			if (strcmp(reg,
			printf("%-8s  0x%8s  %s\n",,
			return 0;
		puts("Register not found");
		return AppError.invalidParameter;
	for (size_t i; i < m; ++i, ++r)
		printf("%-8s  0x%8s  %s\n",,
	return 0;

// help command

int cmd_c_help(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	const(char) *arg = argv[1];
	// Help on command
	if (arg) {
		foreach (comm; commands) {
			if (strcmp(arg, comm.str))
			if ( == null) {
				puts("Command has no help article available");
				return AppError.unavailable;
			printf("COMMAND\n\t%s - %s\n\nSYNOPSIS\n\t%s %s\n\n",
				comm.str, comm.desc,
				comm.str, comm.synop);;
			return 0;
		printf("No help article found for '%s'\n", arg);
		return AppError.invalidCommand;
	// Command list
	puts("Debugger commands:");
	foreach (comm; commands) {
		if (comm.synop)
			printf(cmd_fmta, comm.str, comm.synop, comm.desc);
			printf(cmd_fmt, comm.str, comm.desc);
	// Action list
	puts("\nWhen debuggee is paused:");
	foreach (action; actions)
		printf(cmd_fmt, action.str, action.desc);
	return 0;

// run command

int cmd_c_run(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	return adbg_run(&cmd_handler);

// quit command

int cmd_c_quit(int argc, const(char) **argv) {
	//TODO: Quit confirmation if debuggee is alive
	return 0;

// exception handler

int cmd_handler(exception_t *ex) {
	memcpy(&common_exception, ex, exception_t.sizeof);
	"*	Thread %d stopped for: %s ("~SYS_ERR_FMT~")\n",
	ex.tid, adbg_exception_string(ex.type), ex.oscode,
	if (ex.faultaddr) {
		printf("	Fault address: %zx\n", ex.faultaddrv);
		//TODO: (cmd) disasm on fault
	int length = void;
	int argc = void;
	paused = true;
	char* line = term_readline(&length);
	if (line == null) {
		continue_ = false;
		return AdbgAction.exit;
	const(char)** argv = cast(const(char)**)adbg_util_expand(line, &argc);
	int a = cmd_action(argv[0]);
	if (a > 0) {
		paused = false;
		return a;
	lasterror = cmd_execv(argc, argv);
	goto L_INPUT;