ddhx / src / os / terminal.d
/// Terminal/console handling.
/// Copyright: dd86k <>
/// License: MIT
/// Authors: $(LINK2, dd86k)
module os.terminal;

//TODO: Register function for terminal size change
//      Under Windows, that's under a regular input event
//      Under Linux, that's under a signal (and function pointer)
//TODO: readline
//      automatically pause input, stdio.readln, resume input
//TODO: Check for TERM
//      xterm, xterm-color, xterm-256color, linux, vt100

// NOTE: Useful links for escape codes

private extern (C) int putchar(int);

private import std.stdio : _IONBF, _IOLBF, _IOFBF,
	 printf, stdin, stdout;
private import core.stdc.stdlib : system, atexit;

version (Windows) {
	private import;
	private import : WindowsException;
	private enum DEFAULT_COLOR =
	private enum CP_UTF8 = 65_001;
	private __gshared HANDLE hIn, hOut;
	private __gshared USHORT defaultColor = DEFAULT_COLOR;
	private __gshared DWORD oldCP;
} else version (Posix) {
	private import core.sys.posix.sys.stat;
	private import core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl;
	private import core.sys.posix.unistd;
	private import core.sys.posix.termios;
	// Bionic depends on the Linux system it's compiled on.
	// But Glibc and Musl have the same settings, so does Bionic.
	// ...And uClibc, at least on Linux.
	// D are missing the following bindings.
	version (CRuntime_Musl)
		version = IncludeTermiosLinux;
	version (CRuntime_Bionic)
		version = IncludeTermiosLinux;
	version (CRuntime_UClibc)
		version = IncludeTermiosLinux;
	version (IncludeTermiosLinux) {
		// termios.h, bits/termios.h
		private alias uint tcflag_t;
		private alias uint speed_t;
		private alias char cc_t;
		private enum TCSANOW	= 0;
		private enum NCCS	= 32;
		private enum ICANON	= 2;
		private enum ECHO	= 10;
		private enum BRKINT	= 2;
		private enum INPCK	= 20;
		private enum ISTRIP	= 40;
		private enum ICRNL	= 400;
		private enum IXON	= 2000;
		private enum IEXTEN	= 100000;
		private enum CS8	= 60;
		private enum TCSAFLUSH	= 2;
		private struct termios {
			tcflag_t c_iflag;
			tcflag_t c_oflag;
			tcflag_t c_cflag;
			tcflag_t c_lflag;
			cc_t c_line;
			cc_t[NCCS] c_cc;
			speed_t __c_ispeed;
			speed_t __c_ospeed;
		private extern (C) int tcgetattr(int fd, termios *termios_p);
		private extern (C) int tcsetattr(int fd, int a, termios *termios_p);
		// ioctl.h
		private enum TIOCGWINSZ	= 0x5413;
		private struct winsize {
			ushort ws_row;
			ushort ws_col;
			ushort ws_xpixel;
			ushort ws_ypixel;
		private extern (C) int ioctl(int fd, ulong request, ...);
	private __gshared termios old_ios, new_ios;

/// Flags for terminalInit.
//TODO: captureResize: Feature capture resizing terminal size
//TODO: captureCtrlC: Block CTRL+C
enum TermFeat : ushort {
	/// Initiate only the basic
	none	= 0,
	/// Initiate the input system.
	inputSys	= 1,
	/// Initiate the alternative screen buffer.
	altScreen	= 1 << 1,
	/// Initiate everything.
	all	= 0xffff,

private __gshared TermFeat current_features;

/// Initiate terminal.
/// Params: features = Feature bits to initiate.
/// Throws: (Windows) WindowsException on OS exception
void terminalInit(TermFeat features) {
	current_features = features;
	version (Windows) {
		if (features & TermFeat.inputSys) {
			//NOTE: Re-opening stdin before new screen fixes quite a few things
			//      - usage with CreateConsoleScreenBuffer
			//      - readln (for menu)
			//      - receiving key input when stdin was used for reading a buffer
			hIn = CreateFileA("CONIN$", GENERIC_READ, 0, null, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, null);
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
			stdin.windowsHandleOpen(hIn, "r");
			SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hIn);
		} else {
			hIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
		if (features & TermFeat.altScreen) {
			// Setting up stdout
			hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
			if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &csbi) == FALSE)
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
			DWORD attr = void;
			if (GetConsoleMode(hOut, &attr) == FALSE)
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
			hOut = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(
				GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,	// dwDesiredAccess
				null,	// lpSecurityAttributes
				null,	// lpScreenBufferData
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
			stdout.windowsHandleOpen(hOut, "wb"); // fixes using write functions
			SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hOut);
			SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hOut, csbi.dwSize);
			SetConsoleMode(hOut, attr | ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT);
			if (SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hOut) == FALSE)
				throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
		} else {
			hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
		stdout.setvbuf(0, _IONBF); // fixes weird cursor positions with alt buffer
		// NOTE: While Windows supports UTF-16LE (1200) and UTF-32LE,
		//       it's only for "managed applications" (.NET).
		// LINK:
		oldCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
		if (SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8) == FALSE)
			throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
		//TODO: Get active (or default) colors
	} else version (Posix) {
		stdout.setvbuf(0, _IONBF);
		if (features & TermFeat.inputSys) {
			// Should it re-open tty by default?
			stat_t s = void;
			fstat(STDIN_FILENO, &s);
			if (S_ISFIFO(s.st_mode))
				stdin.reopen("/dev/tty", "r");
			tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &old_ios);
			new_ios = old_ios;
			// NOTE: input modes
			// - IXON enables ^S and ^Q
			// - ICRNL enables ^M
			// - BRKINT causes SIGINT (^C) on break conditions
			// - INPCK enables parity checking
			// - ISTRIP strips the 8th bit
			new_ios.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | ICRNL | BRKINT | INPCK | ISTRIP);
			// NOTE: output modes
			// - OPOST turns on output post-processing
			//new_ios.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
			// NOTE: local modes
			// - ICANON turns on canonical mode (per-line instead of per-byte)
			// - ECHO turns on character echo
			// - ISIG enables ^C and ^Z signals
			// - IEXTEN enables ^V
			new_ios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | IEXTEN);
			// NOTE: control modes
			// - CS8 sets Character Size to 8-bit
			new_ios.c_cflag |= CS8;
			// minimum amount of bytes to read,
			// 0 being return as soon as there is data
			//new_ios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
			// maximum amount of time to wait for input,
			// 1 being 1/10 of a second (100 milliseconds)
			//new_ios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
			tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new_ios);
		if (features & TermFeat.altScreen) {
			// change to alternative screen buffer

extern (C)
void ddhx_terminal_quit() {

/// Restore CP and other settings
void terminalRestore() {
	version (Windows) {
		SetConsoleOutputCP(oldCP); // unconditionally
	} else version (Posix) {
		// restore main screen buffer
		if (current_features & TermFeat.altScreen)
	if (current_features & TermFeat.inputSys)

void terminalPauseInput() {
	version (Posix) {
		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &old_ios);

void terminalResumeInput() {
	version (Posix) {
		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new_ios);

/// Clear screen
void terminalClear() {
	version (Windows) {
		COORD c;
		GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &csbi);
		const int size = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
		DWORD num;
		if (FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, ' ', size, c, &num) == 0
			FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, csbi.wAttributes, size, c, &num) == 0*/) {
			terminalPos(0, 0);
		} else // If that fails, run cls.
	} else version (Posix) {
		// \033c is a Reset
		// \033[2J is "Erase whole display"
	else static assert(0, "Clear: Not implemented");

/// Get terminal window size in characters.
/// Returns: Size
TerminalSize terminalSize() {
	TerminalSize size = void;
	version (Windows) {
		GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &c);
		size.height = c.srWindow.Bottom - c.srWindow.Top + 1;
		size.width  = c.srWindow.Right - c.srWindow.Left + 1;
	} else version (Posix) {
		//TODO: Consider using LINES and COLUMNS environment variables
		//      as fallback if ioctl returns -1.
		winsize ws = void;
		size.height = ws.ws_row;
		size.width  = ws.ws_col;
	} else {
		static assert(0, "terminalSize: Not implemented");
	return size;

/// Set cursor position x and y position respectively from the top left corner,
/// 0-based.
/// Params:
///   x = X position (horizontal)
///   y = Y position (vertical)
void terminalPos(int x, int y) {
	version (Windows) { // 0-based
		COORD c = void;
		c.X = cast(short)x;
		c.Y = cast(short)y;
		SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, c);
	} else version (Posix) { // 1-based, so 0,0 needs to be output as 1,1
		printf("\033[%d;%dH", ++y, ++x);

/// Directly write to output.
/// Params:
/// 	data = Character data.
/// 	size = Amount in bytes.
/// Returns: Number of bytes written.
size_t terminalOutput(const(void) *data, size_t size) {
	version (Windows) {
			WriteFile, GetStdHandle;
		uint r = void;
		assert(WriteFile(hOut, data, cast(uint)size, &r, null));
		return r;
	} else version (Posix) {
		import core.sys.posix.unistd : write, STDOUT_FILENO;
		import core.sys.posix.sys.types : ssize_t;
		ssize_t r = write(STDOUT_FILENO, data, size);
		assert(r >= 0);
		return r;

/// Read an input event. This function is blocking.
/// Params:
///   event = TerminalInfo struct
/// Throws: (Windows) WindowsException on OS error
void terminalInput(ref TerminalInput event) {
	version (Windows) {
		INPUT_RECORD ir = void;
		DWORD num = void;
		if (ReadConsoleInputA(hIn, &ir, 1, &num) == 0)
			throw new WindowsException(GetLastError);
		if (num == 0)
			goto L_READ;
		switch (ir.EventType) {
		case KEY_EVENT:
			if (ir.KeyEvent.bKeyDown == FALSE)
				goto L_READ;
			version (TestInput) {
				"KeyEvent: AsciiChar=%d wVirtualKeyCode=%d dwControlKeyState=%x\n",
			const ushort keycode = ir.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode;
			// Filter out single modifier key events
			switch (keycode) {
			case 16, 17, 18: // shift,ctrl,alt
				goto L_READ;
			event.type = InputType.keyDown;
			const char c = ir.KeyEvent.AsciiChar;
			if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
				event.key = c - 32;
			} else if (c) {
				event.key = c;
				// '?' on a fr-ca kb is technically shift+6,
				// breaking app input since expecting no modifiers
				if (c < 'A' || c > 'Z')
			} else {
				event.key = keycode;
			const DWORD state = ir.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState;
			if (state & ALT_PRESSED) event.key |= Mod.alt;
			if (state & CTRL_PRESSED) event.key |= Mod.ctrl;
			if (state & SHIFT_PRESSED) event.key |= Mod.shift;
		/*case MOUSE_EVENT:
			if (ir.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags & MOUSE_WHEELED) {
				// Up=0x00780000 Down=0xFF880000
				event.type = ir.MouseEvent.dwButtonState > 0xFF_0000 ?
					Mouse.ScrollDown : Mouse.ScrollUp;
		default: goto L_READ;
	} else version (Posix) {
		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &new_ios);
		scope (exit) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &old_ios);
		//TODO: Mouse reporting in Posix terminals
		//      * X10 compatbility mode (mouse-down only)
		//      Enable: ESC [ ? 9 h
		//      Disable: ESC [ ? 9 l
		//      "sends ESC [ M bxy (6 characters)"
		//      - ESC [ M button column row (1-based)
		//      - 0,0 click: ESC [ M   ! !
		//        ! is 0x21, so '!' - 0x21 = 0
		//      - end,end click: ESC [ M   q ;
		//        q is 0x71, so 'q' - 0x21 = 0x50 (column 80)
		//        ; is 0x3b, so ';' - 0x21 = 0x1a (row 26)
		//      - button left:   ' '
		//      - button right:  '"'
		//      - button middle: '!'
		//      * Normal tracking mode
		//      Enable: ESC [ ? 1000 h
		//      Disable: ESC [ ? 1000 l
		//      b bits[1:0] 0=MB1 pressed, 1=MB2 pressed, 2=MB3 pressed, 3=release
		//      b bits[7:2] 4=Shift (bit 3), 8=Meta (bit 4), 16=Control (bit 5)
		//TODO: Faster scanning
		//      So we have a few choices:
		//      - string table (current, works alright)
		//      - string[string]
		//        - needs active init though
		//      - string decoding
		//        [ -> escape
		//        1;2 -> shift (optional)
		//        B -> right arrow
		//      - long+template+0-init
		//        - cursed but if they don't never go above 8 bytes,
		//          worth it?
		struct KeyInfo {
			string text;
			int value;
		static immutable KeyInfo[] keyInputs = [
			// text		Key value
			{ "\033[A",	Key.UpArrow },
			{ "\033[1;2A",	Key.UpArrow | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[1;3A",	Key.UpArrow | Mod.alt },
			{ "\033[1;5A",	Key.UpArrow | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[B",	Key.DownArrow },
			{ "\033[1;2B",	Key.DownArrow | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[1;3B",	Key.DownArrow | Mod.alt },
			{ "\033[1;5B",	Key.DownArrow | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[C",	Key.RightArrow },
			{ "\033[1;2C",	Key.RightArrow | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[1;3C",	Key.RightArrow | Mod.alt },
			{ "\033[1;5C",	Key.RightArrow | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[D",	Key.LeftArrow },
			{ "\033[1;2D",	Key.LeftArrow | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[1;3D",	Key.LeftArrow | Mod.alt },
			{ "\033[1;5D",	Key.LeftArrow | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[2~",	Key.Insert },
			{ "\033[3~",	Key.Delete },
			{ "\033[3;5~",	Key.Delete | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[H",	Key.Home },
			{ "\033[1;5H",	Key.Home | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[F",	Key.End },
			{ "\033[1;5F",	Key.End | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[5~",	Key.PageUp },
			{ "\033[5;5~",	Key.PageUp | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033[6~",	Key.PageDown },
			{ "\033[6;5~",	Key.PageDown | Mod.ctrl },
			{ "\033OP",	Key.F1 },
			{ "\033[1;2P",	Key.F1 | Mod.shift, },
			{ "\033[1;3R",	Key.F1 | Mod.alt, },
			{ "\033[1;5P",	Key.F1 | Mod.ctrl, },
			{ "\033OQ",	Key.F2 },
			{ "\033[1;2Q",	Key.F2 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033OR",	Key.F3 },
			{ "\033[1;2R",	Key.F3 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033OS",	Key.F4 },
			{ "\033[1;2S",	Key.F4 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[15~",	Key.F5 },
			{ "\033[15;2~",	Key.F5 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[17~",	Key.F6 },
			{ "\033[17;2~",	Key.F6 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[18~",	Key.F7 },
			{ "\033[18;2~",	Key.F7 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[19~",	Key.F8 },
			{ "\033[19;2~",	Key.F8 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[20~",	Key.F9 },
			{ "\033[20;2~",	Key.F9 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[21~",	Key.F10 },
			{ "\033[21;2~",	Key.F10 | Mod.shift },
			{ "\033[23~",	Key.F11 },
			{ "\033[23;2~",	Key.F11 | Mod.shift},
			{ "\033[24~",	Key.F12 },
			{ "\033[24;2~",	Key.F12 | Mod.shift },
		enum BLEN = 8;
		char[BLEN] b = void;
		ssize_t r = read(STDIN_FILENO, &b, BLEN);
		event.type = InputType.keyDown; // Assuming for now
		switch (r) {
		case -1: assert(0, "read(2) failed");
		case 0:  goto L_READ; // HOW EVEN
		case 1:
			version (TestInput) printf("stdin: \\0%o\n", b[0]);
			event.key = b[0];
			// Filtering here adjusts the value only if necessary.
			switch (event.key) {
			case 0: goto L_READ; // Invalid
			case 8: // ^H
				event.key |= Mod.ctrl;
			case 127:
				event.key = Key.Backspace;
			if (event.key >= 'a' && event.key <= 'z') {
				event.key = cast(ushort)(event.key - 32);
			} else if (event.key >= 'A' && event.key <= 'Z') {
				event.key |= Mod.shift;
		version (TestInput) {
			for (size_t i; i < r; ++i) {
				char c = b[i];
				if (c < 32 || c > 126)
					printf(" \\0%o", c);
		// Make a slice of misc. input.
		const(char)[] inputString = b[0..r];
		//TODO: Checking for mouse inputs
		//      Starts with \033[M
		// Checking for other key inputs
		for (size_t i; i < keyInputs.length; ++i) {
			immutable(KeyInfo) *ki = &keyInputs[i];
			if (r != ki.text.length) continue;
			if (inputString != ki.text) continue;
			event.key  = ki.value;
		// Matched to nothing
		goto L_READ;
	} // version posix

/// Terminal input type.
enum InputType {

/// Key modifier
enum Mod {
	ctrl  = 1 << 16,
	shift = 1 << 17,
	alt   = 1 << 18,
/// Key codes map.
enum Key {
	Undefined = 0,
	Backspace = 8,
	Tab = 9,
	Clear = 12,
	Enter = 13,
	Pause = 19,
	Escape = 27,
	Spacebar = 32,
	PageUp = 33,
	PageDown = 34,
	End = 35,
	Home = 36,
	LeftArrow = 37,
	UpArrow = 38,
	RightArrow = 39,
	DownArrow = 40,
	Select = 41,
	Print = 42,
	Execute = 43,
	PrintScreen = 44,
	Insert = 45,
	Delete = 46,
	Help = 47,
	D0 = 48,
	D1 = 49,
	D2 = 50,
	D3 = 51,
	D4 = 52,
	D5 = 53,
	D6 = 54,
	D7 = 55,
	D8 = 56,
	D9 = 57,
	Colon = 58,
	SemiColon = 59,
	A = 65,
	B = 66,
	C = 67,
	D = 68,
	E = 69,
	F = 70,
	G = 71,
	H = 72,
	I = 73,
	J = 74,
	K = 75,
	L = 76,
	M = 77,
	N = 78,
	O = 79,
	P = 80,
	Q = 81,
	R = 82,
	S = 83,
	T = 84,
	U = 85,
	V = 86,
	W = 87,
	X = 88,
	Y = 89,
	Z = 90,
	LeftMeta = 91,
	RightMeta = 92,
	Applications = 93,
	Sleep = 95,
	NumPad0 = 96,
	NumPad1 = 97,
	NumPad2 = 98,
	NumPad3 = 99,
	NumPad4 = 100,
	NumPad5 = 101,
	NumPad6 = 102,
	NumPad7 = 103,
	NumPad8 = 104,
	NumPad9 = 105,
	Multiply = 106,
	Add = 107,
	Separator = 108,
	Subtract = 109,
	Decimal = 110,
	Divide = 111,
	F1 = 112,
	F2 = 113,
	F3 = 114,
	F4 = 115,
	F5 = 116,
	F6 = 117,
	F7 = 118,
	F8 = 119,
	F9 = 120,
	F10 = 121,
	F11 = 122,
	F12 = 123,
	F13 = 124,
	F14 = 125,
	F15 = 126,
	F16 = 127,
	F17 = 128,
	F18 = 129,
	F19 = 130,
	F20 = 131,
	F21 = 132,
	F22 = 133,
	F23 = 134,
	F24 = 135,
	BrowserBack = 166,
	BrowserForward = 167,
	BrowserRefresh = 168,
	BrowserStop = 169,
	BrowserSearch = 170,
	BrowserFavorites = 171,
	BrowserHome = 172,
	VolumeMute = 173,
	VolumeDown = 174,
	VolumeUp = 175,
	MediaNext = 176,
	MediaPrevious = 177,
	MediaStop = 178,
	MediaPlay = 179,
	LaunchMail = 180,
	LaunchMediaSelect = 181,
	LaunchApp1 = 182,
	LaunchApp2 = 183,
	Oem1 = 186,
	OemPlus = 187,
	OemComma = 188,
	OemMinus = 189,
	OemPeriod = 190,
	Oem2 = 191,
	Oem3 = 192,
	Oem4 = 219,
	Oem5 = 220,
	Oem6 = 221,
	Oem7 = 222,
	Oem8 = 223,
	Oem102 = 226,
	Process = 229,
	Packet = 231,
	Attention = 246,
	CrSel = 247,
	ExSel = 248,
	EraseEndOfFile = 249,
	Play = 250,
	Zoom = 251,
	NoName = 252,
	Pa1 = 253,
	OemClear = 254

/// Terminal input structure
struct TerminalInput {
	union {
		int key; /// Keyboard input with possible Mod flags.
		struct {
			ushort mouseX; /// Mouse column coord
			ushort mouseY; /// Mouse row coord
	int type; /// Terminal input event type

/// Terminal size structure
struct TerminalSize {
	/// Terminal width in character columns
	int width;
	/// Terminal height in character rows
	int height;