ddhx / src / ddhx / file.d
@dd86k dd86k on 13 Mar 2022 13 KB Fix compile linux
/// File handling.
/// This exists because 32-bit runtimes suffer from the 32-bit file size limit.
/// Despite the MS C runtime having _open and _fseeki64, the DM C runtime does
/// not have these functions.
/// Copyright: dd86k <>
/// License: MIT
/// Authors: $(LINK2, dd86k)
module ddhx.file;

version (Windows) {
	import :
	import :
		CreateFileA, CreateFileW, SetFilePointerEx, ReadFile, ReadFileEx, GetFileSizeEx,
	private alias OSHANDLE = HANDLE;
	private alias SEEK_SET = FILE_BEGIN;
	private alias SEEK_CUR = FILE_CURRENT;
	private alias SEEK_END = FILE_END;
} else version (Posix) {
	import core.sys.posix.unistd;
	import core.sys.posix.sys.types;
	import core.sys.posix.sys.stat;
	import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
	import core.stdc.errno;
	import core.stdc.stdio : SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END;
	// BLKGETSIZE64 missing from dmd 2.098.1 and ldc 1.24.0
	// ldc 1.24 missing core.sys.linux.fs
	// source musl 1.2.0 and glibc 2.25 has roughly same settings.
	private enum _IOC_NRBITS = 8;
	private enum _IOC_TYPEBITS = 8;
	private enum _IOC_SIZEBITS = 14;
	private enum _IOC_NRSHIFT = 0;
	private enum _IOC_READ = 2;
	private enum _IOC(int dir,int type,int nr,size_t size) =
		(dir  << _IOC_DIRSHIFT) |
		(type << _IOC_TYPESHIFT) |
		(nr   << _IOC_NRSHIFT) |
		(size << _IOC_SIZESHIFT);
	//TODO: _IOR!(0x12,114,size_t.sizeof) results in ulong.max
	//      I don't know why, so I'm casting it to int to let it compile.
	//      Fix later.
	private enum _IOR(int type,int nr,size_t size) =
	private enum BLKGETSIZE64 = cast(int)_IOR!(0x12,114,size_t.sizeof);
	private alias BLOCKSIZE = BLKGETSIZE64;
	private extern (C) int ioctl(int,long,...);
	private alias OSHANDLE = int;
} else {
	static assert(0, "Implement file I/O");

import std.mmfile;
import std.string : toStringz;
import std.utf : toUTF16z;
import std.file : getSize;
import std.path : baseName;
import std.container.array : Array;
import std.stdio : File;
import core.stdc.stdio : FILE;
import ddhx;

/// Default buffer size.
private enum DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * 1024;

/// FileMode for OSFile.
enum FileMode {
	file,	/// Normal file.
	mmfile,	/// Memory-mapped file.
	stream,	/// Standard streaming I/O.
	memory,	/// Typically from a stream buffered into memory.

/// File seek origin.
enum Seek {
	start	= SEEK_SET,	/// Seek since start of file.
	current	= SEEK_CUR,	/// Seek since current position in file.
	end	= SEEK_END	/// Seek since end of file.

/// Current write mode.
enum WriteMode {
	readOnly,	/// 
	insert,	/// 
	overwrite,	/// 

/// Used in saving and restoring the OSFile state (position and read buffer).
//TODO: Re-use in OSFile as-is?
// NOTE: Used in searcher but not really useful...
struct OSFileState {
	long position;	/// Position.
	uint readSize;	/// Read size.

/// Improved file I/O.
//TODO: Share file.
//      By default file isn't shared (at least on Windows) which would allow
//      refreshing view (manually) when a program writes to file.
//TODO: [0.5] Virtual change system.
//      For editing/rendering/saving.
//      Array!(Edit) or sorted dictionary?
//      Obviously CTRL+Z for undo, CTRL+Y for redo.
struct OSFile {
	private union {
		OSHANDLE fileHandle;
		MmFile mmHandle;
		File stream;
	private union {
		ubyte[] readBuffer;	/// Buffer for file/stream inputs
		ubyte *mmAddress;
	long position;	/// Current file position.
	long size;	/// Last reported file size.
	const(char)[] sizeString;	/// Binary file size as string
	string fullPath;	/// Original file path.
	string name;	/// Current file name.
	FileMode mode;	/// Current file mode.
	ubyte[] buffer;	/// Resulting buffer or slice.
	uint readSize;	/// Desired buffer size.
	bool eof;	/// End of file marker.
	private bool[3] reserved;
	int delegate(Seek, long) seek;
	int delegate() read;
	int delegate(ubyte[], ref ubyte[]) read2;
	int openFile(string path/*, bool create*/) {
		version (Trace) trace("path='%s'", path);
		mode = FileMode.file;
		version (Windows) {
			// NOTE: toUTF16z/tempCStringW
			//       Phobos internally uses tempCStringW from std.internal
			//       but I doubt it's meant for us to use so...
			//       Legacy baggage?
			fileHandle = CreateFileW(
				path.toUTF16z,	// lpFileName
				GENERIC_READ/* | GENERIC_WRITE*/,	// dwDesiredAccess
				0,	// dwShareMode
				null,	// lpSecurityAttributes
				OPEN_EXISTING,	// dwCreationDisposition
				0,	// dwFlagsAndAttributes
				null,	// hTemplateFile
			if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
		} else version (Posix) {
			fileHandle = open(path.toStringz, O_RDWR);
			if (fileHandle == -1)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
		if (refreshSize())
			return lastError;
		if (size == 0)
			return errorSet(ErrorCode.fileEmpty);
		sizeString = getSizeString;
		setProperties(path, baseName(path));
		return 0;
	int openMmfile(string path/*, bool create*/) {
		version (Trace) trace("path='%s'", path);
		mode = FileMode.mmfile;
		try {
			/*file.size = getSize(path);
			if (file.size == 0)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.fileEmpty);*/
			mmHandle = new MmFile(path,, 0, mmAddress);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			return errorSet(ex);
		if (refreshSize())
			return lastError;
		if (size == 0)
			return errorSet(ErrorCode.fileEmpty);
		sizeString = getSizeString;
		setProperties(path, baseName(path));
		return 0; 
	int openStream(File file) {
		mode =;
		stream = file;
		setProperties(null, "-");
		return 0;
	int openMemory(ubyte[] data) {
		mode = FileMode.memory;
		buffer = data;
		setProperties(null, "-");
		return 0;
	// Avoids errors where I forget to set basic property members.
	private void setProperties(string path, string baseName) {
		fullPath = path;
		name = baseName;
		final switch (mode) with (FileMode) {
		case file:
			seek = &seekFile;
			read = &readFile;
			read2 = &readFile2;
		case mmfile:
			seek = &seekMmfile;
			read = &readMmfile;
			read2 = &readMmfile2;
		case stream:
			seek = &seekStream;
			read = &readStream;
			read2 = &readStream2;
		case memory:
			seek = &seekMemory;
			read = &readMemory;
			read2 = &readMemory2;
	private int seekFile(Seek origin, long pos) {
		version (Trace) trace("seek=%s pos=%u", origin, pos);
		version (Windows) {
			LARGE_INTEGER liIn = void, liOut = void;
			liIn.QuadPart = pos;
			if (SetFilePointerEx(fileHandle, liIn, &liOut, origin) == FALSE)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			position = liOut.QuadPart;
		} else version (Posix) {
			const long r = lseek64(fileHandle, pos, origin);
			if (r == -1)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			position = r;
		return 0;
	private int seekMmfile(Seek origin, long pos) {
		version (Trace) trace("seek=%s pos=%u", origin, position);
		final switch (origin) with (Seek) {
		case start:
			position = pos;
			return 0;
		case current:
			position += pos;
			return 0;
		case end:
			position = size - pos;
			return 0;
	// Acts as a skip regardless of origin (Seek.current)
	// Read into void
	private int seekStream(Seek origin, long pos) {
		import core.stdc.stdio : fread;
		import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
		import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
		version (Trace) trace("seek=%s pos=%u", origin, position);
		FILE *f = stream.getFP;
		size_t bufSize = void;
		if (pos) {
			bufSize = cast(size_t)min(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, pos);
			void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
			if (buf == null) throw new Error("Out of memory");
			pos -= fread(buf, 1, bufSize, f);
			if (pos <= 0) {
				return 0;
			if (pos < bufSize) {
				bufSize = cast(size_t)pos;
				goto L_PRESKIP;
			goto L_SKIP;
		return 0;
	// Same operation
	private alias seekMemory = seekMmfile;
	private int readFile() {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u", position);
		version (Windows) {
			DWORD r = void;
			if (ReadFile(fileHandle, readBuffer.ptr, readSize, &r, null) == FALSE)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			buffer = readBuffer[0..r];
			eof = r < readSize;
		} else version (Posix) {
			alias mygod =;
			ssize_t r = mygod(fileHandle, readBuffer.ptr, readSize);
			if (r < 0)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			buffer = readBuffer[0..r];
			eof = r < readSize;
		return 0;
	private int readMmfile() {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u", position);
		long endpos = position + readSize; /// Proposed end marker
		eof = endpos > size; // If end marker overflows
		if (eof)
			endpos = size;
		buffer = cast(ubyte[])mmHandle[position..endpos];
		return 0;
	private int readStream() {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u", position);
		buffer = stream.rawRead(readBuffer);
		eof = stream.eof;
		return 0;
	private int readMemory() {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u", position);
		long endpos = position + readSize; /// Proposed end marker
		eof = endpos > size; // If end marker overflows
		if (eof)
			endpos = size;
		buffer = readBuffer[cast(size_t)position..cast(size_t)endpos];
		return 0;
	private int readFile2(ubyte[] _buffer, ref ubyte[] _result) {
		version (Trace) trace("buflen=%u", _buffer.length);
		version (Windows) {
			const uint _bs = cast(uint)_buffer.length;
			uint _read = void;
			if (ReadFile(fileHandle, _buffer.ptr, _bs, &_read, null) == FALSE)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			eof = _read < _bs;
			_result = _buffer[0.._read];
		} else version (Posix) {
			alias mygod =;
			ssize_t _read = mygod(fileHandle, _buffer.ptr, _buffer.length);
			if (_read < 0)
				return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
			eof = _read < _buffer.length;
			_result = _buffer[0.._read];
		version (Trace) trace("eof=%s read=%u", eof, _read);
		return 0;
	private int readMmfile2(ubyte[] _buffer, ref ubyte[] _result) {
		version (Trace) trace("buflen=%u", _buffer.length);
		long endpos = position + readSize; /// Proposed end marker
		eof = endpos > size; // If end marker overflows
		if (eof)
			endpos = size;
		_result = cast(ubyte[])mmHandle[position..endpos];
		return 0;
	private int readStream2(ubyte[] _buffer, ref ubyte[] _result) {
		version (Trace) trace("buflen=%u", _buffer.length);
		_result = stream.rawRead(_buffer);
		eof = stream.eof;
		return 0;
	private int readMemory2(ubyte[] _buffer, ref ubyte[] _result) {
		version (Trace) trace("buflen=%u", _buffer.length);
		long endpos = position + _buffer.length; /// Proposed end marker
		eof = endpos > size; // If end marker overflows
		if (eof)
			endpos = size;
		_result = readBuffer[cast(size_t)position..cast(size_t)endpos];
		return 0;
	void save(ref OSFileState state) {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u read=%u", position, readSize);
		state.position = position;
		state.readSize = readSize;
	void restore(ref OSFileState state) {
		version (Trace) trace("pos=%u->%u read=%u->%u",
			position, state.position, readSize, state.readSize);
		position = state.position;
		readSize = state.readSize;
		seek(Seek.start, state.position);
	int refreshSize() {
		version (Trace) trace("mode=%s", mode);
		final switch (mode) with (FileMode) {
		case file:
			version (Windows) {
				LARGE_INTEGER li = void;
				if (GetFileSizeEx(fileHandle, &li) == 0)
					return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
				size = li.QuadPart;
				return 0;
			} else version (Posix) {
				stat_t stats = void;
				if (fstat(fileHandle, &stats) == -1)
					return errorSet(ErrorCode.os);
				// NOTE: fstat(2) sets st_size to 0 on block devices
				switch (stats.st_mode & S_IFMT) {
				case S_IFREG: // File
				case S_IFLNK: // Link
					size = stats.st_size;
					return 0;
				case S_IFBLK: // Block device (like a disk)
					//TODO: BSD variants
					return ioctl(fileHandle, BLOCKSIZE, &size) == -1 ?
						errorSet(ErrorCode.os) : 0;
				default: return errorSet(ErrorCode.invalidType);
		case mmfile:
			size = mmHandle.length;
			return 0;
		case stream:
			return 0;
		case memory:
			return 0;
	const(char)[] getSizeString() {
		__gshared char[32] b = void;
		return formatSize(b, size);
	void resizeBuffer(uint newSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
		readSize = newSize;
		switch (mode) with (FileMode) {
		case file, stream:
			readBuffer = new ubyte[newSize];
	//TODO: from other types
	int toMemory(long skip = 0, long length = 0) {
		import core.stdc.stdio : fread;
		import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
		import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
		ubyte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE] defbuf = void;
		FILE *f = stream.getFP;
		size_t len = void;
		size_t bufSize = void;
		if (skip) {
			bufSize = cast(size_t)min(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, skip);
			void *buf = malloc(bufSize);
			if (buf == null) throw new Error("Out of memory");
			skip -= fread(buf, 1, bufSize, f);
			if (skip <= 0) {
				goto L_READ;
			if (skip < bufSize) {
				bufSize = cast(size_t)skip;
				goto L_PRESKIP;
			goto L_SKIP;
		// If no length to read is set, just read as much as possible.
		if (length == 0) length = long.max;
		// Loop ends when len (read length) is under the buffer's length
		// or requested length.
		readBuffer.length = 0;
		do {
			bufSize = cast(size_t)min(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, length);
			len = fread(defbuf.ptr, 1, bufSize, f);
			// ok to append without init because we got a global instance
			readBuffer ~= defbuf[0..len];
			length -= len;
		} while (len >= DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE && length > 0);
		size = readBuffer.length;
		mode = FileMode.memory;
		setProperties(null, "-");
		return 0;