ddhx / src / editor.d
module editor;

import std.container.slist;
import std.stdio : File;
import std.path : baseName;
import std.file : getSize;
import core.stdc.stdio : FILE;
import settings, error;
import os.file, os.mmfile, os.terminal;
import utils.memory;

// NOTE: Cursor management.
//        +-> File position is at 0x10, at the start of the read buffer
//        |
//        |   hex 01 02 03 04
//       00000010 ab cd 11 22 -+
//       00000014 33 44<55>66  +- Read buffer
//       00000018 77 88 99 ff -+
//                      ^^
//                      ++------ Cursor is at position 6 of read buffer

// NOTE: Dependencies
//       If the editor doesn't directly invoke screen handlers, the editor
//       code could potentially be re-used in other projects.

//TODO: Error mechanism
//TODO: Consider function hooks for basic events
//      Like when the cursor has changed position, camera moved, etc.
//      Trying to find a purpose for this...
//TODO: [0.5] Virtual change system.
//      For editing/rendering/saving.
//      Array!(Edit) or sorted dictionary?
//      Obviously CTRL+Z for undo, CTRL+Y for redo.
//TODO: [0.5] ubyte[] view
//      Copy screen buffer, modify depending on changes, send
//      foreach edit
//        if edit.position within current position + screen length
//          modify screen result buffer
//TODO: File watcher
//TODO: File lock mechanic

//TODO: Make editor hold more states and settings
//      Lower module has internal function pointers set from received option

/*private struct settings_t {
    /// Bytes per row
    //TODO: Rename to columns
    ushort width = 16;
    /// Current offset view type
    NumberType offsetType;
    /// Current data view type
    NumberType dataType;
    /// Default character to use for non-ascii characters
    char defaultChar = '.';
    /// Use ISO base-10 prefixes over IEC base-2
    bool si;

/// Current settings.
public __gshared settings_t settings2;*/

// File properties

/// FileMode for Io.
enum FileMode {
    file,    /// Normal file.
    mmfile,    /// Memory-mapped file.
    stream,    /// Standard streaming I/O, often pipes.
    memory,    /// Typically from a stream buffered into memory.

/*enum SourceType {

/// Editor editing mode.
enum EditMode : ushort {
    /// Incoming data will be overwritten at cursor position.
    /// This is the default.
    /// Editing: Enabled
    /// Cursor: Enabled
    /// Incoming data will be inserted at cursor position.
    /// Editing: Enabled
    /// Cursor: Enabled
    /// The file cannot be edited.
    /// Editing: Disabled
    /// Cursor: Enabled
    /// The file can only be viewed.
    /// Editing: Disabled
    /// Cursor: Disabled

/// Represents a single edit
struct Edit {
    EditMode mode;    /// Which mode was used for edit
    long position;    /// Absolute offset of edit
    ubyte value;    /// Payload
    // or ubyte[]?

private union Source
    OSFile       osfile;
    OSMmFile     mmfile;
    File         stream;
    MemoryStream memory;
private __gshared Source source;

__gshared const(char)[] fileName;    /// File base name.
__gshared FileMode fileMode;    /// Current file mode.
__gshared long position;    /// Last known set position.
//TODO: rename to viewSize
__gshared size_t readSize;    /// For input size.
private __gshared ubyte[] readBuffer;    /// For input data.
private __gshared uint vheight;    /// 
__gshared long fileSize;    /// Last size of file

// Editing stuff

private __gshared size_t editIndex;    /// Current edit position
private __gshared size_t editCount;    /// Amount of edits in history
private __gshared SList!Edit editHistory;    /// Temporary file edits
__gshared EditMode editMode;    /// Current editing mode

string editModeString(EditMode mode = editMode)
    final switch (mode) with (EditMode) {
    case overwrite: return "ov";
    case insert:    return "in";
    case readOnly:  return "rd";
    case view:      return "vw";

private struct cursor_t {
    uint position;    /// Screen cursor byte position
    uint nibble;    /// Data group nibble position
__gshared cursor_t cursor;    /// Cursor state

// View properties

__gshared size_t viewSize;    /// ?
__gshared ubyte[] viewBuffer;    /// ?

bool eof()
    final switch (fileMode) {
    case FileMode.file:    return source.osfile.eof;
    case FileMode.mmfile:    return source.mmfile.eof;
    case    return;
    case fileMode.memory:    return source.memory.eof;

bool err()
    final switch (fileMode) {
    case FileMode.file:    return source.osfile.err;
    case FileMode.mmfile:    return source.mmfile.err;
    case    return;
    case fileMode.memory:    return false;

bool dirty()
    return editIndex > 0;

// SECTION: File opening

int openFile(string path)
    version (Trace) trace("path='%s'", path);
    if (, | OFlags.exists))
        return errorSetOs;
    fileMode = FileMode.file;
    fileName = baseName(path);
    return 0;

int openMmfile(string path)
    version (Trace) trace("path='%s'", path);
        source.mmfile = new OSMmFile(path,;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return errorSet(ex);
    fileMode = FileMode.mmfile;
    fileName = baseName(path);
    return 0; 

int openStream(File file)
    version (Trace) trace(); = file;
    fileMode =;
    fileName = null;
    return 0;

int openMemory(ubyte[] data)
    version (Trace) trace();;
    fileMode = FileMode.memory;
    fileName = null;
    return 0;


// SECTION: Buffer management

void setBuffer(size_t size)
    readSize = size;
    switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file, stream:
        readBuffer = new ubyte[size];


// SECTION: View position management

long seek(long pos)
    version (Trace) trace("mode=%s", fileMode);
    position = pos;
    final switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file:      return, pos);
    case mmfile:    return;
    case memory:    return;
    case stream:;

long tell()
    version (Trace) trace("mode=%s", fileMode);
    final switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file:      return source.osfile.tell;
    case mmfile:    return source.mmfile.tell;
    case stream:    return;
    case memory:    return source.memory.tell;


// SECTION: Reading

ubyte[] read()
    version (Trace) trace("mode=%s", fileMode);
    final switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file:    return;
    case mmfile:    return;
    case stream:    return;
    case memory:    return;
ubyte[] read(ubyte[] buffer)
    version (Trace) trace("mode=%s", fileMode);
    final switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file:    return;
    case mmfile:    return;
    case stream:    return;
    case memory:    return;


// SECTION: Editing

ubyte[] peek()
    ubyte[] t = read().dup;
    return null;

void keydown(Key key)
    debug assert(editMode != EditMode.readOnly,
        "Editor should not be getting edits in read-only mode");
    //TODO: Check by panel (binary or text)
    //TODO: nibble-awareness

/// Append change at current position
void appendEdit(ubyte data)
    debug assert(editMode != EditMode.readOnly,
        "Editor should not be getting edits in read-only mode");

/// Write all changes to file.
/// Only edits [0..index] will be carried over.
/// When done, [0..index] edits will be cleared.
void writeEdits()


// SECTION View position management

// NOTE: These return true if the position of the view changed.
//       This is to determine if it's really necessary to update the
//       view on screen, because pointlessly rendering content on-screen
//       is not something I want to waste.

bool viewStart()
    bool z = position != 0;
    position = 0;
    return z;
bool viewEnd()
    long old = position;
    long npos = (fileSize - readSize) + setting.columns;
    npos -= npos % setting.columns; // re-align to columns
    position = npos;
    return position != old;
bool viewUp()
    long npos = position - setting.columns;
    if (npos < 0)
        return false;
    position = npos;
    return true;
bool viewDown()
    long fsize = fileSize;
    if (position + readSize > fsize)
        return false;
    position += setting.columns;
    return true;
bool viewPageUp()
    long npos = position - readSize;
    bool ok = npos >= 0;
    position = ok ? npos : 0;
    return ok;
bool viewPageDown()
    long npos = position + readSize;
    bool ok = npos < fileSize;
    if (ok) position = npos;
    return ok;


// SECTION Cursor position management

void cursorBound()
    // NOTE: It is impossible for the cursor to be at a negative position
    //       Because it is unsigned and the cursor is 0-based
    long fsize = fileSize;
    bool nok = cursorTell > fsize;
    if (nok)
        int l = cast(int)(cursorTell - fsize);
        cursor.position -= l;

// NOTE: These return true if view has moved.

/// Move cursor at the absolute start of the file.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorAbsStart()
    with (cursor) position = nibble = 0;
    return viewStart;
/// Move cursor at the absolute end of the file.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorAbsEnd()
    uint base = cast(uint)(readSize < fileSize ? fileSize : readSize);
    uint rem = cast(uint)(fileSize % setting.columns);
    uint h = cast(uint)(base / setting.columns);
    cursor.position = h + rem;
    return viewEnd;
/// Move cursor at the start of the row.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorHome() // put cursor at the start of row
    cursor.position = cursor.position - (cursor.position % setting.columns);
    cursor.nibble = 0;
    return false;
/// Move cursor at the end of the row.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorEnd() // put cursor at the end of the row
    cursor.position =
        (cursor.position - (cursor.position % setting.columns))
        + setting.columns - 1;
    if (cursorTell > fileSize)
        uint rem = cast(uint)(fileSize % setting.columns);
        cursor.position = (cursor.position + setting.columns - rem);
    cursor.nibble = 0;
    return false;
/// Move cursor up the file by a data group.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorLeft()
    if (cursor.position == 0)
        if (position == 0)
            return false;
        return viewUp;
    cursor.nibble = 0;
    return false;
/// Move cursor down the file by a data group.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorRight()
    if (cursorTell >= fileSize)
        return false;
    if (cursor.position == readSize - 1)
        return viewDown;
    cursor.nibble = 0;
    return false;
/// Move cursor up the file by the number of columns.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorUp()
    if (cursor.position < setting.columns)
        return viewUp;
    cursor.position -= setting.columns;
    return false;
/// Move cursor down the file by the bymber of columns.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorDown()
    /// File size
    long fsize = fileSize;
    /// Normalized file size with last row (remaining) trimmed
    long fsizenorm = fsize - (fsize % setting.columns);
    /// Absolute cursor position
    long acpos = cursorTell;
    bool bottom = cursor.position + setting.columns >= readSize; // cursor bottom
    bool finalr = acpos >= fsizenorm; /// final row
    version (Trace) trace("bottom=%s final=%s", bottom, finalr);
    if (finalr)
        return false;
    if (bottom)
        return viewDown;
    if (acpos + setting.columns > fsize)
        uint rem = cast(uint)(fsize % setting.columns);
        cursor.position = cast(uint)(readSize - setting.columns + rem);
        //cursor.position = cast(uint)((fsize + cursor.position) - fsize);
        return false;
    cursor.position += setting.columns;
    return false;
/// Move cursor by a page up the file.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorPageUp()
//    int v = readSize / setting.columns;
    return viewPageUp;
/// Move cursor by a page down the file.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
bool cursorPageDown()
    bool ok = viewPageDown;
    return ok;
/// Get cursor absolute position within the file.
/// Returns: Cursor absolute position in file.
long cursorTell()
    return position + cursor.position;
/// Make the cursor jump to an absolute position within the file.
/// This is used for search results.
/// Returns: True if the view moved.
void cursorGoto(long m)
    // Per view chunks, then per y chunks, then x
    //long npos = 


long refreshFileSize()
    final switch (fileMode) with (FileMode) {
    case file:      fileSize = source.osfile.size;    break;
    case mmfile:    fileSize = source.mmfile.length;  break;
    case memory:    fileSize = source.memory.size;    break;
    case stream:    fileSize =;    break;
    version (Trace) trace("sz=%u", fileSize);
    return fileSize;

//TODO: from other types?
//      or implement this via MemoryStream?
int slurp(long skip = 0, long length = 0)
    import std.array : uninitializedArray;
    import core.stdc.stdio : fread;
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
    import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
    import std.outbuffer : OutBuffer;
    import std.typecons : scoped;
    enum READ_SIZE = 4096;
    version (Trace) trace("skip=%u length=%u", skip, length);
    // Skiping
    ubyte *b = cast(ubyte*)malloc(READ_SIZE);
    if (b == null)
        return errorSetOs;
    FILE *_file =;
    if (skip)
        do {
            size_t bsize = cast(size_t)min(READ_SIZE, skip);
            skip -= fread(b, 1, bsize, _file);
        } while (skip > 0);
    // Reading
    auto outbuf = scoped!OutBuffer;
    // If no length set, just read as much as possible.
    if (length == 0) length = long.max;
    // Loop ends when len (read length) is under the buffer's length
    // or requested length.
    do {
        size_t bsize = cast(size_t)min(READ_SIZE, length);
        size_t len = fread(b, 1, bsize, _file);
        if (len == 0) break;
        if (len < bsize) break;
        length -= len;
    } while (length > 0);
    version (Trace) trace("outbuf.offset=%u", outbuf.offset);;
    version (Trace) trace("source.memory.size=%u", source.memory.size);
    fileMode = FileMode.memory;
    return 0;