ddhx / dub.sdl
@dd86k dd86k on 21 Dec 2022 819 bytes Tabs -> 4 spaces
name "ddhx"
description "Hexadecimal file viewer"
authors "dd86k"
copyright "Copyright © 2017-2022 dd86k"
license "MIT"

# NOTE: Somehow, the dmd package in the Alpine repo does not contain rdmd.
preBuildCommands "rdmd setup.d version" platform="dmd"
preBuildCommands "ldmd2 -run setup.d version" platform="ldc"
preBuildCommands "gdmd -run setup.d version" platform="gdc"

configuration "default" {
    targetType "executable"
    mainSourceFile "src/main.d"
configuration "trace" {
    targetType "executable"
    versions "Trace"
    mainSourceFile "src/main.d"

# Debug builds

buildType "debugv" {
    dflags "-vgc" "-vtls" platform="dmd"
    dflags "--vgc" "--vtls" platform="ldc"

# Tests

buildType "input" {
    versions "TestInput"
    buildOptions "unittests"
    sourceFiles "tests/input.d"