mcpuinfo /
@dd86k dd86k on 23 Mar 2022 663 bytes Update readme
# MCPUINFO, Olde Processor Identification Tool

MCPUINFO is a MS-DOS application used to identify pre-Pentium processors and co-processors currently in use.

The list of detected processors and co-processors:
- 8086
- 80286
- 80386
- 80486
- 8087
- 80287
- 80387

Command-line switches:
- `--help`, `/?`: Show help page and quit
- `--version`: Show version page and quit
- `--ver`: Print version only and quit

For a more sofisticated tool that supports the CPUID instruction, see my [ddcpuid]( utility.

## Compiling

This project uses NASM, because I like NASM.

It's as simple as:
nasm mcpuinfo.asm -fbin